Saturday, 24 February 2007

David TMX - Les Mondes Paralleles

This album dates back to 2003. This band is one of the most hard working I've ever come across. They produce tracks like rabbits, nonstop, and most amazingly they are original and carefully crafted.

The members of this French band play whatever style they feel like without complexes, pop, reggae, chanson,... though their hook is in metal. Their sound is truly powerful, mixing classic and personal tunes, melodic singing and pure shouting. These musicians seem to have no respect for style purists nor master formulas, resulting in an incredibly interesting work.

Now they are a must, whatever style you like. If what you hear is not your piece of cake, jump to the next track. If this album is too rough, try another from them. I would go as far as to assure they've got something you'll love. Try them try them try them.

Visit their website and have a look at Tout TMX / albums to get an idea of what they use their time for:

Download David TMX - Les Mondes Paralleles with emule: elink
Hear David TMX - Les Mondes Paralleles online: audio

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